Arnie’s Barn Restaurant
Bass Pro Shops Shooting Academy
Buffalo Bar
Business Lounge
Cedar Creek Rooms & Patio
Chapel of the Ozarks
Dogwood Boardroom
Grandview Ballroom
Grandview Lawn
Integrity Hills - The Stables
Integrity Hills Chapel
Lady Liberty Yacht
Lakeview Rooms
Osage Restaurant
Osage Room
The Garden Chapel
Wine Cellar Event Room
Table Rock Boardroom
Table Rock Event Room
The Worman House
The Worman Room & Patio
Spa Suite

- Up to 310 meeting guests
Located at Top of the Rock, Osage Restaurant showcases breathtaking views through floor-to-ceiling windows and rustic touches. The cozy restaurant includes rugged wood beams, centerpiece iron chandeliers, rich leathers, custom artwork and native artifacts.